[Feature] some mechanic ideas and gameplay suggestions

10 votes

Gameplay mechanics -
A tech button to cancel knockdown, IE press shield when hitting the ground after knockdown to avoid falling on the floor
Cancelling attacks into skills and guard
Reduce the chance for fire to proc
Reduce stagger on ranged weapons and lower the amount of knock back and knockdown on some moves and attacks.
Reduce deploy time for valor 3 classes

Features -
Item encyclopedia
Private match and clan systems
KD on scoreboard and an in game kill feed
More item type variety, eg axes saws for warrior, Mace's and staffs for cleric.
Unique mythics with unchangeable cosmetics, could include legacy items like Inferno and fighters helmet from happy wars

Multiple Topics Developer Note Feature Suggestion Suggested by: Shmayd Upvoted: 15 Feb, '23 Comments: 2

Comments: 2