[Bug] Update gave high amounts of XP for standard battlepass

4 votes

Description - Update reducing needed XP for battle pass levels broke something and granted TONS of free experience to players. I assume it to be around 60 levels so 3.6 million for standard pass and 50 levels so 3 million for premium pass.

How to Reproduce - Check players stats. Those who bought the pass before the update.

Additional information - Where the numbers are from: 64 is battle pass level, 60 is amount of XP for level in thousands, 0.75 is XP potion(if it affects daily quests...), 25 & 25 are daily before update (two days), 250 is weekly before update, 16 is hypothetical number of experience gained in thousands after the game finished (reallllllllly hard to achieve), 161 is hypothetical amount of games you need to play to reach that battlepass level considering all above


Would make 3 separate pictures but there's a limit of one screenshot ...
Screenshots attached.


Done Bug Suggested by: Qweszaq Upvoted: 02 Feb, '23 Comments: 1

Comments: 1