[Feature] Class Specific Mythic Skills

10 votes

Currently Mythic level armor is vastly inferior to Prestige level gear. Part of this is due to the lack of perks that increase a highly valuable stat such as +HP, but the core issue is that the perks that replace +HP are not nearly as valuable or versatile.

The current "Vengeant" set of perks are pretty solid for warriors, but offer very little benefit to clerics and essentially zero benefit to mages.

My suggestion would be perks that equally benefit all classes, these could be as simple as you would find in Diablo 2 "Boost X Skill +1 level/rarity", "Reduce the cooldowns by X seconds", "1 Additional charge" (Flash Step for example).

Or class specific for mages "Fireball Ignites on first hit", "Wind Blast Sends target into the air on second consecutive hit". And clerics could get "Every second melee attack AOE heals in a 10m radius", "Wall spawns 2 hands", "Area heal is 2m larger".

Under consideration Feature Suggestion Suggested by: Scase Upvoted: 20 Feb, '23 Comments: 0

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