[Feature] Get rid of ice spear’s shooting delay.

5 votes

When you shoot the ice spear spell there’s a significant delay between clicking your mouse to shoot and the shot being fired. It feels extremely clunky, unintuitive and unsatisfying to use. Not to mention it has very low DPS and fire rate. It feels like you’re at a huge ping disadvantage every time you shoot it on top of its mediocre DPS and niche use. Hitting moving targets with a firing delay is a nightmare and just makes the experience of using it awful all around. Unless a target is standing still its extremely inconsistent. It really needs a quality of life buff.

Considering it’s niche use and low DPS I don’t think this quality of life buff will impact the meta much either. It doesn’t even one shot most mages even with tons of mage killer, ranged damage boost, and headshot perks. It gets outperformed by magic arrow even in its niche, let alone everywhere else. Also it has terrible demolition damage too. Thanks for reading my suggestion.

Under consideration Feature Suggestion Suggested by: Leon Upvoted: 21 Jun, '23 Comments: 0

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